Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Muscle Fatigue Lab Set Up

Today in class we reviewed the requirements for the muscle fatigue lab, set up our labs, and conducted experiments on group members.

For Friday:
Be ready to conduct your experiments on classmates and collect data

Friday, January 25, 2008

Muscle Fatigue Lab Design Prep

Today in class we:
Discussed the difference between isometric and isotonic muscle contraction

Worked on lab design in the computer lab

Homework due Wednesday
Read 8.4 pg 177 - 180: Check Your Recall pg 180
Read 8.7 pg 182 -184: Check Your Recall pg 184

Bring all materials needed for set up of your experiment on Wednesday, be prepared to set up your experiment and do preliminary tests.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Muscle Fatigue Lab Design Intro

Today in class we:
- Brainstormed in our lab groups about the following questions: 1) What is muscle fatigue? 2) WHat do muscles require to contract? 3) What factors influence the rate of muscle fatigue? 4) How can we measure these factors?

- Introduced Muscle Fatigue Design Lab

Friday, January 18, 2008

Physiology of a Muscle Contraction

Today in class we:
Discussed the following topics of muscle contractions (see powerpoint link to download lecture)
- Role of acetylcholine and Ca+ in muscle contractions
- Methods of muscle cells in obtaining energy
- Oxygen debt and muscle fatigue
Performed muscle fatigue introduction lab
- graphed personal, partner, and class average data

Study of muscles in space reading and review due Wednesday

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Muscle Quiz 1

Today in class we:
- Reviewed anatomy of skeletal muscles and muscle fibers
- Reviewed the structure and function of neuromuscular junctions
- Took Muscle quiz 1

Due Tuesday 1/22: Reading and Review: NASA Research on Muscle Wasting in Space

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Contraction of Skeletal Muscle Tissue

Do Now:
Draw a bisected muscle segment and include the following components:
Endomysium, Perimysium, Epimysium, Fasicles, Fibers, Tendon, Bone

Today in class we:
- Discussed the anatomy of a muscle fiber
- Discussed the roles of myosin and actin in muscle contraction
- Discussed the connection between muscles and nerves
- Discussed the sliding filament model of muscle contraction

Read pgs 172 - 175
Complete CYR exercises on bottom of pg 172 and top of 175


Friday, January 11, 2008

Intro to Muscluar System

Do Now:
Grade goal for quarter 3:
1. What grade do you want to accomplish for quarter 3
2. List 3 specific ways in which you can achieve this goal
3. List 3 specific ways in which Ms. V can help you achieve this goal
4. List 3 topics you definitely want to cover over second semester

Today in class we:
- Played introduction game
- Worked on grade goals
- Began discussion of muscular system

Homework due Monday, 1/14
Read Chpt 10: pg 169 - 172 and complete the check your recall on top of pg 172