Monday, August 29, 2005

Monday, August 29, 2005

Today in class:
- finished notes on Chapter 1 which included organ systems, and body regions.
- reviewed for test by playing quiz game

Note to students:
Remember, test on chapter 1 is on Wednesday!
Tips for studying: Do not stress on every detail in the book. Focus on what we did in class, reread your notes, and let the text suppliment the lectures.
Identify gaps in your understanding, what are you cloudy on, what don't you know very well.
Study with a friend, point out the different regions of the body, practice using anatomical terms.
Make flash cards! Lots of new terminology to get confused on.
Don't cram - Do not put this off until Tuesday night, Wednesday morning to study for, you will do poorly.

See links for study aids, quizzes, aids for understanding

Thursday, August 25, 2005

August 25, 2005

Today in class we covered:
- finished discussion about homeostasis
- Anatomy terminology
- Body sectioning
- Body regions

Homework: due Wednesday, August 30
- review packet

* if you do not have a book yet, please pick up a copy of chapter 1 from me tomorrow.
Also make sure you have a vocabulary sheet for chapter 1 and a review packet

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Today in class we covered:
- discussion on rising skin cancer rates in young people and listened to story of effectiveness of SPF clothing ( for more on that story visit )
- Homeostasis: mechanisms, negative feedback, in homeotherms
- Stretching with anatomy terms

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Thursday, August 18, 2005

** Check out the new links
In class today we:
- discussed notebook setup and do nows
- Assigned the Physiology in the News assignment
Thr. 9/8: Aiina
Fri. 9/16: Lauren
Tue. 9/20: Jiyeon
Thr. 9/29: Ayumi
Mon. 10/3: Masaaki
Fri. 10/14: Joni
Mon. 10/24: Nolan
Tue. 11/1: Liilian
Mon. 11/7: Ashely
Mon. 11/14: Vandy
Fri. 11/18: Jacob
Tue. 11/22: Bruce
- Stretched as we began to familiarize ourselves with the anatomical names of body parts and regions
-Began notes including topics: What is Anatomy/Physiology, What are the characteristics of life, How is life maintained, ending the period with homeostasis

Homework: Due Tue.,Aug 23,2oo5
-Read the article"Skin Cancer is Growing in Young People- A Case for Prevention" and answer the following questions:
1. What is the issue (summarize)
2. Who does it affect?
3. Why is it a concern?
4. What is being done/suggested?

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Friday August 12, 2005
Today in class we introduced ourselves to each other, filled out info cards, took pictures, and discussed the syllabus. Textbooks should be in by next week. See you all on Thursday.
Welcome to the 2005/6 Physiology website.