Thursday, August 18, 2005

Thursday, August 18, 2005

** Check out the new links
In class today we:
- discussed notebook setup and do nows
- Assigned the Physiology in the News assignment
Thr. 9/8: Aiina
Fri. 9/16: Lauren
Tue. 9/20: Jiyeon
Thr. 9/29: Ayumi
Mon. 10/3: Masaaki
Fri. 10/14: Joni
Mon. 10/24: Nolan
Tue. 11/1: Liilian
Mon. 11/7: Ashely
Mon. 11/14: Vandy
Fri. 11/18: Jacob
Tue. 11/22: Bruce
- Stretched as we began to familiarize ourselves with the anatomical names of body parts and regions
-Began notes including topics: What is Anatomy/Physiology, What are the characteristics of life, How is life maintained, ending the period with homeostasis

Homework: Due Tue.,Aug 23,2oo5
-Read the article"Skin Cancer is Growing in Young People- A Case for Prevention" and answer the following questions:
1. What is the issue (summarize)
2. Who does it affect?
3. Why is it a concern?
4. What is being done/suggested?

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