Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Extra Credit Opportunities

September is Women's Health Month.
The Hawaii COunty Committee on the Status of Women is sponsoring some FREE workshops to educate people (male and female type people) about women's health issues.

The assignment:
Go to one of the workshops mentioned below.
Participate, learn lots, have fun. Write me a one page reaction addressing
- The date, time, and location of the workshop
- The name of the presenter
- The topics learned at the workshop
- A personal statement

If you want to participate, please call and sign up with Jean at 961-8211

The opportunities:

Friday, September 16
Health Benefits of Meditation
*Call for location and directions

Saturday, September 24
Fitness Fair: Introduction to Pilates and Yoga
Hawaii Naniloa Resort Spa on Banyan Drive
12:00pm - 1:30pm

Tuesday, September 27
Heart Math - a look at heart health
PACE building next to Hilo Iron Works Studio

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