Tuesday, September 11, 2007

September 10th

Do Now:
What is homeostasis? Why is homeostasis an important component for maintaining life. How does homeostasis work; give an example.

Today in class we:
- Reviewed organic molecule quiz
- Discussed homeostatic mechanisms: receptor, set point, effector, negative feedback, positive feedback.
- Began small group project "The Chemistry of Cooley's Anemia"
1. Read the case study with your group
2. As a group discuss the questions at the end of the reading (each person should turn in their answers).
3. Each group should be prepared to share their answers with the class on Friday along with their decided action plan (#10). Group 1: 1-3, Group 2: 4-6, Group 3: 7-9

Extra Credit Opportunity: due Tuesday, September 18th (15pts possible)

1. Research and write a 2- page paper on anabolic steroids.
2. In your paper, address the following questions:
a. What are anabolic steroids and what are they used for?
b. What are the physiological mechanisms behind how anabolic steroids work?
c. What are the potential benefits and drawbacks of sustained steroid use?
d. What do you think.
3. Include in your paper 3- sources for your research
a. Sources must be appropriately cited within the body of your paper.
b. Work cited page should be included with your paper.
c. See links for writing resources.

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